Scrimshaw beer is one of the more popular beverages from the North Coast Brewing Co. in Fort Bragg, California.
Available in most states, this pilsner is known as a “craft beer” rather than a “microbrew” due to the distribution and volume.
North Coast has a number of craft beers available, including “La Merle” – a Belgian Farmhouse type ale with a 7.9% Alcohol By Volume (ABV) level – not your typical beer from a can. For those unfamiliar with Belgian style ales, they may taste too strong. One “trick” to enjoying this beer – conneseurs, please click elsewhere or be horrified – is to take a shotglass of this beer and pour it into an already poured pilsner beer. If you try it this way, you may never go back to a “straight” pilsner again – it’s that good. The down side is you’ve probably just opened a rather expensive bottle of beer to use only one (or two) shotglasses worth, but fear not: you can always re-cork it if you haven’t thrown away the cage. A friend of ours referred to the heartier beers that he brews as “liquid bread”. After a chuckle by me, he turned to me and said “Think about it: bread uses flour and is held together by the glutens. Beer has most of the same ingredients and is held together by a bottle.” (see – and it turns out that he is not alone – it’s part of many dictionaries on the web.
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Wish I’d made their “tap tooth” 😉