(Note: The original artist links are below the map)
By clicking on the states (in green) on the map below you can find scrimshaw artists in your area. Where available their website is also listed. Let us know if you’re a scrimshaw artist and where you’re located, we’ll be glad to put you on the map and add a link to your site!
Currently we’re doing the US, but if there’s enough interest I will purchase more maps from Pat Flynn to cover any areas where there are artists.
Below you will find a gallery of scrimshaw artists. This is by no means the complete list, just many that we are currently aware of. Are you a scrimshaw artist? Drop us a line and we’ll be glad to include you! Clicking on the pic will bring you to their website. In some cases we have had the pleasure to personally interview the artists and have links to these interviews below. From world famous artists like Bob Hergert to notable artists like Scot Kimel, Ron Newton and others. Scrimshaw artists work on a variety of materials from pre-ban ivory to mammoth ivory, from man-made materials to egg shells!

I have a scrimshaw depicting an Inuit fishing scene. It is signed by the artist “CLS” and was purchased in Louisiana. Any ideas?
Truely beautiful scrimshaw by Vermont Artist Gary Harbour can be viewed on his eBay store. Seach sellers by profile name garyharbour. His work is unlike any other I’ve seen. Truely among the best of the best.
Thanks Melinda! I’m not on eBay that often, here’s a link that will bring up Gary’s offerings for those similar to me: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fss=1&_saslop=1&_sasl=garyharbour&LH_SpecificSeller=1
I would love to be included in your “artists” section
Hi everyone,
I have a 6′ piece of bowhead whale baleen that I bought from an Eskimo in Fairbanks, AK. It is inscribed with the tribal chief’s initials and tribe name initials…from Nuiqsut (halfway between Barrow and Prudhoe Bay). I paid more for it to be shipped to Seattle that the actual item costs. But today, I am looking for a new home for this…it would make a great background for scrimshaw!
Anyone interested? Today’s going rate for these is $20/foot, but I would either trade it, or gift it–we can make some sort of arrangement, since I believe it is illegal for me to sell it for a cash equivalent.
If you are interested, please feel free to email me…carolannshaffer@gmail.com
Thank you!
Hi Carolann, You may want to look into this link: (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/protected-species-parts), and I appreciate your thoughtful post. You may want to check with the collectors at The Scrimshaw Collector’s Guild (https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild/), and they also may know who might be able to create some artwork on it for you.
I’m trying to find out any info on ‘94 CSI. It’s 142/950. Scrimshaw print.
Hi Allison, there’s not much I have found on the print, though you may want to contact the facebook group “scrimshaw collector’s guild” as they are avid collectors and may have more information.
Does anyone know anything about the artist CJ Morse? Scrimshaw of Westies on jewelry.
I do scrimshaw as a hobby
Rod Lacey
I would like a family coat of arms inscribed on a ring. Are you interested in doing
I have a hand carved ivory chess set I purchased in Hong Kong in 1968 while I was on R&R from Vietnam. Unfortunatly my eight year old son traded six of the pawns for some Star War toys. I also have two six inch ivory figures that could be used to carve the pawns similar to the ones I still have. All of the ivory was purchased before the ban on ivory trading was in place. Is there any Scrimshaw artist out there that could do this for me? I would love to be able to complete my set. I can provide a pawn I still have to use as a guide. All of the pawns are very similar looking.
Hi Donald, that sounds like a great project for one of the carvers. I don’t carve myself, but if you’re on FB, there is a great community called the Scrimshaw Collectors Guild (https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild/). Join the group or look around (you’ll be amazed!). This is the best place to find someone who can do the work you need. Let me know how it turns out, and thanks for writing!
i have inherited a bone with a ship and whale scrimshaw with a signature that looks like bates
I would like to sell a couple of my scrimshaw, signed Mateus. I lived in the Azores, Portugal in 1970-1973
I would like photos of the pieces
I have two authentic Ivory Tusks done by E. Okleasik who I believe lived in Kotzebue, AK. The largest piece is a 23.25 inch cribbage board with baleen end cap depicting a female and Juvenal Walrus and the other is a bow hunter stalking a couple caribou. I have no use for these pieces and would like to sell them if possible but have no idea of their value.
Hi Elliott, and thanks for writing! I’d recommend checking on facebook for the group “Scrimshaw Collector’s Guild” (https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild). Good group of people, avid collectors, will give you an honest opinion. Get some good clear pics of the piece and any signatures.
Morning…trying to identify a piece of my fathers. It’s framed wall piece.
Can forward a pic…would appreciate your help.
Donya Thompson
Hi Donya, and thanks for writing! You can send the pictures to questions[at]scrimshaw.com – if you can find any initials or artist marks it would be helpful. I’d be happy to take a look and do some research.
I aquired a scrimshaw with a patriotic scene
.A cannon with an eagle flyiing above with a snake in it’s talons, with an American flag in the background. Signed Wallace can you give me any info
Hi William,
If you can, please send some pictures, including a picture of the artist’s signature to questions@scrimshaw.com – I’ll see if I can put them up on my “Mystery Artist” page to see if we can find more information about Wallace.
I have a nice piece here that I would like someone to look at. It’s iconic for Covid 19 done on 19th century whale tooth. Thanks
Hi John, and thanks for writing! I’d love to see the whaletooth, if you can take some hi-resolution pictures and send them to “questions[at]scrimshaw.com” I can circulate them for you to the collectors I know. As you mentioned, the pandemic is making it difficult to physically bring the pieces to museums, though you may wish to call or email any local whaling or maritime museums if you’re in a state that has one. The New Bedford Whaling Museum (https://www.whalingmuseum.org/), Sag Harbor Whaling Museum (https://www.sagharborwhalingmuseum.org/), and the Nantucket Historical Society (https://nha.org/) are good places to start looking as well. Looking forward to seeing any pictures you can provide. If you can, please send pictures of the bottom of the tooth and any artist signatures or marks as well. I’d be happy to add a post to our “Mystery Artist” page to see if anyone has any knowledge of it.
Hi I have a nice piece that I would like to show. It’s 19th century whale tooth meets 21st century schrimshaw and pyrography dedicated to the frontline workers of Covid 19. I would appreciate if you could have a look at this unique piece of art. Thanks.
Andrew , Al Doucette Here….
I tell people to look up scrimshaw.com artists
But they tell me that they can’t find me …
So I looked and had a hard time finding the artists like it was before… have you changed the layout ?? Thanks , Andrew
Hi Al, sorry, I’ve been busy with Holiday scrimshaws. I’m hoping the email response will pick up with this response, and I’ll have to look at the links when I get a moment – don’t want to hold back your fans!
All Doucette from the Whales Tale in New Bedford? If so I lost your number and have been trying to find you online. This is Helen’s daughter Tracy. First, thank you for letting me hang out in your workshop as a curious obnoxious teenager. I valued the time I spent polishing your carvings as I listened to all the stories you and my dad shared. Curious if you are still selling product online. Can’t find you. Interested in buying a few pieces. I have a few of your pieces from my mom. Would like to add more of your work to my very small collection.
Thanks Tracy
Hi Tracy, don’t know if the response came through, so I just want to let you know I’ve sent you Al’s contact information.
Hi I have an oval scrimshaw depicting a native American (in left profile) the artist signed : OY/NI. I have owned it since 1974. I do not know its provenance. Might you know who the artist is?
I also have a folder pocket knife that my mother had made doe me that i received in 1985, The artist signature is: Platz.
Do you know anything of this artist?
Hi Rob, and thanks for writing! I’m not familiar with either OY/NI or Platz, but I’m not a collector. Would you be able to send some pictures to questions[at]scrimshaw.com? I’d be happy to put them on a “Mystery Artist” post and pass the images to other collectors who may know.
Hello to whom it may concern, I have a 1/4 of a gallon bag of old Ivory that my dad brought back from his tour of duty in Vietnam. He no longer wants it, He told me I could sell it. because he was going to do something with them and he doesn’t want to be bothered by them anymore i would like to sell it to someone that is a dealer in it or to a scrimshaw artist
Hi Brian,
what state do you live in? There are a number of states that do not allow the sale of ivory, including but not limited to NY, NJ, CA, HI, and other states that only allow in-state sales with a lot of stipulations (proof of purchase befo8re 1980, etc.).
Hi, I have a vintage story scrimshaw bracelet with the artist name: H. Hunter any information you might be able to share?
Follow-up on last comment. This bracelet is from Alaska and vintage.
I have a scrimshaw bracelet that I purchased in the early 1970s for $600.00. The artist initials are JR. How would I find out the value today. (Indian wearing headdress holding a rifle on a horse.)
Hi David,
Sorry about the late reply. Would you be able to send a couple of pictures of the bracelet? I’d be happy to put the pictures up along with an inquiry of its worth. Send them to “questions@scrimshaw.com” and we’ll see what we can find.
How much is a Catherine Young Scrimshaw pendant necklace worth?
Hi Carl, and thanks for writing! Catherine’s work is beautiful. You may want to inquire on facebook, look for the group “Scrimshaw Collectors Guild”.
Hope this helps,
I have a small pin that appears to be, if not actual scrimshaw, at least scrimshaw-inspired. It has a portrait of a dog, and the only identification is the name “Morse” scribed near the artwork.
Can anyone point me towards resources that might help me identify the artist? Google has failed me. I do not remember the name of the shop it came from. It was bought probably some time in the mid- to late- ’90s, almost certainly along the East Coast, PA/NY/NJ most likely.
Hi Kara, and thanks for writing. If you can send a few pictures of the piece including a close-up of the name, I can put it up as a mystery artist. Since it was the mid-to late -’90’s, the artist may still be around.
Has anyone heard of a scrimshaw artists by the name of Alan Lutz or Lulz? I have one of his pieces signed by him and was curious to learn something more about his background and other works by him.
Hi Richard, the name sounds vaguely familiar, though I can’t place it (think it was Luls, though I’m not sure). Would you be able to send some pictures? I’d be happy to put them up under our “Mystery Artist” section to see if anyone (including the artist) can get you more information.
Hi Robert, could it be Alan Luiz? He is a known carver with a strong body of work.
I have 3 antler pieces all signed MKR. Can’t find anything about the artist or the values of each. Hoping you can help me.
Hi Bob, and thanks for writing! Can you send some pictures to “questions[at]scrimshaw.com”? I can put the pictures up as a “Mystery Artist” post.
Hello Bob, well, do you ever google yourself just to see what might come up? That’s what I did and this page appeared- two years after your original post. I’m MKR the scrimshaw artist- or was until joint issues in my engraving hand and elbow reined me in. I collected shed antlers in the San Mateo Mountains, where I still live, and scrimmed them for 20 years. I sold them mostly in El Paso TX, where I am from originally, and in Ruidoso, NM. I don’t know what value they would have today, but thank you so much for purchasing (assuming you did and they weren’t gifts) and collecting three of them! I’m very pleased to be able to tell you that as I always not only appreciated my patrons but also felt a kinship because of our shared love of the wildlife subject matter.
I have an elk button, my dear friend was honing to scrimshaw me a black bear on it to make me a belt buckle. Before he could get started, he got very sickly then sadly passed away. I’m in search for someone who could do this so I could have a completed button in memory of him.
Hi John, and my deepest condolences on your loss.
As to who could create a scrimshaw for you, there are several people I can think of off the top of my head:
Mark Thogerson from http://scrimshaw.net
Linda Layden from https://www.etsy.com/people/lindalayden
Jason R. Webb jasonwguitar[at]gmail.com
Rich Simmons – https://www.facebook.com/richsimmonsscrimshawdesigns
Check also on https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild/ – there are a number of artists there
I have two pieces of scrimshaw by Vicki Bonin, one is dated 1984, the other is undated. I either purchased them in Spokane or Missoula, I don’t recall for sure. Wondering if she is still doing this kind of work to ask her some questions about the pieces. Thank you.
I have been doing scrimshaw for about 20 years. Have had a scrimshaw site for at least 15 years. Now reside in AZ. Taking care of my mom. Have been pretty discouraged about continueing. From the preassure on ivory. My website is scrimgallery.com. if it is still up. It was supposed to be discontinued a month ago. My work runs the gamut from 7 foot mammoth tusk to pendents.
Hi Terry,
Had a chance to look over your site, you do beautiful work. I agree, the pressure on ivory – even mammoth ivory is very discouraging. I’ve been working with alternative material including galalith (http://gpsagencies.co.uk/), as well as the offerings from guitarpartsandmore.com, as well as other knife making suppliers. It’s not the same, but the art you can produce can be beautiful. Bone always seems to lend it’s own “rustic patina”, and I’ve only seen a few that seem to have mastered it. One material I haven’t tried yet is moose antler, which gives you a substantial canvas to work on – perhaps that is a direction you can explore? Currently taking care of my mother-in-law, my own mother passed away early this year.
With your talent, I would definitely explore alternatives to ivory, since I don’t think they’ll be backing down on elephant/mammoth ivory any time soon. Also, look into https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild/ – there is still a large group of collectors and admirers of our art. They are a constant inspiration. Also, you might go to youtube and search “David Adams”, he’s been extremely active on ivory and other materials.
I’m looking to find a scrimshander who would be willing to do a presentation at the Westhampton Beach Historical Society on Long Island, NY at one of our Saturday demonstrations.
Hi Sue, and thanks for writing. You may want to direct your inquiry to https://www.facebook.com/groups/scrimshawcollectorsguild/, many avid scrimshaw artists there. Hope this helps.
HI! You’ve created a very nice and informative website. I acquired a pair of powder horns, claimed to be 19th, but I believe are mid-20th century. In my opinion, they are beautifully executed and well crafted. Yet know that I am far from knowledgeable in this field. One is signed “DH”, does this ring any bells? Many thanks for any input, JL
Hi Lee, sorry for the late reply. Just got some information on another Mystery artist. Would you be able to send pictures of the scrimshaw via “questions@scrimshaw.com”? I’d be happy to post them to help you find the artist if possible.
I recently came across some of “DH’s” work. Did you ever find out who the person was?
Please let me know if you did. Thanks!
Hi K, and thanks for writing! So far, I haven’t found anything further on “DH”. Sometimes it takes awhile, any information or pictures you may have of their work would be helpful, and I’d be happy to add them to the site for others.
Hi I am a scrimshaw artist and live north of Atlanta, Georgia. I have been scrimming for about 5 years now. I work with horn, bone, corian, antler, and fossil ivories.
Hi Katheryn, and thanks for writing! Be happy to add you to the map!
I was doing some research on a scrimshander by the name of John Wells done in 84 or 94 can’t quite read the date and found your site. and wondering if you could add me to your site. I have been scratching for over 30 years. My facebook page and also my scrimshaw & signs page has some of my work. I am located in Casper Wyoming. thank you for your consideration
Hi Jennifer, and thanks for writing! Reply with a link to your facebook page, and I’ll get you up as soon as I can. So happy to see scrimshaw artists from all over the states!
I am looking for someone to replicate a lost scrimshaw piece from the 70’s. Sad face. Do you do custom work? It was a pendant
Hi Linda, and thanks for writing! Yes, I can do that, if you can send me a picture and the approximate size, I can at least do the pendant portion – I’m always up for a challenge! I can also contact other artists if I find due to schedules or complexity that I can’t. Let me know by sending an email with the specifications and pics to questions@scrimshaw.com
Are you familiar with the African Scrimshaw artist Taffy? I can send a picture of his work if that would help.
Hi Carl, Not familiar with Taffy, but would love to see the pics. You can send them to questions[at]scrimshaw.com. Looking forward to seeing them!
Hi Kathy!
My name is Dana Little. I live in Greenville,S.C. ( Originally from Gadsden, AL.) My mother still lives in Gadsden and
has an antique piano with Ivory keys that we are trying to sell. Would you be interested in purchasing the Ivory keys?
If so , please contact me at littledana881@gmail.com or (864)430-1544.
Thank You!
I have a cribbage in the shape of a walrus (about 11″ long) with two carved figures on each side; walrus, 14 legged unknown creature, seal and unknown striped fish (?). On the bottom, it is marked with letters P and M and maybe an S with an anchor. P on left and M on the right with an anchor in the middle with a superimposed S. The S may be a rope on the anchor. Got this at a yard sale and have no information as to material or artist. Any suggestions?
Hi Victor, and thanks for writing! Would you be able to send some pictures to questions@scrimshaw.com? I’ll be glad to add them to the “Mystery Artist” posts to see if anyone can identify them.
Thanks for the reply Andrew. I am sure that my cribbage board is faux, because I found one on ebay EXACTLY like it only not marked. You can look at it by searching eBay for:
Vintage Estate Walrus Scrimshaw Cribbage Board & (4) Wood Pegs
Under “Advanced Search” then “Completed items”. There are extensive photos. The listing ended on October 10.
If you wish, I can try to get photos of the marking.
It seems so unlikely that two works would be identical if not molded.
Hi Vic, sorry it’s a repro. Thanks for replying with the information. eBay is one of the best places to start searches. Googling images is also a great place to start.
My parents have a walrus mask tusk by Joe Blatchford from October 1984 it is mounted on a piece of wood. tusks are 17 inches long not included the mask part. They are thinking of selling it where could we get something like this appraised.
Hi Salua,
If you have a maritime museum near you it would be a great place to start. There is also an active community on Facebook (look for “scrimshaw collectors guild”), if there are interested parties, you would probably find them there.
Joe was my uncle. If you still have the piece, I would be interested in purchasing it.
Adrienne Blatchford
I have a what I believe to be a whales tooth with a scene of a Big Horn Sheep on it with a cliff and flying birds in the background.
The name on it is ether Lones or Jones, My grandfather had it many years until his death. I have had it for probably 20 years but just found it and have no information on it, hope someone could shed some light on it for me.
Hi Dean, and thanks for writing. Could you send some pictures to “questions@scrimshaw.com”? A close-up of the signature would be a big help too. I’d be happy to put up a Mystery Artist post with the pics.
I have a piece, walrus I believe and authentic. Can not find any info on artist……(script) Andhi.. I do believe it’s modern in age. I can send pictures. Thank you
Hi Debra,
I’d love to get some pictures and will be happy to put it up onto the “Mystery Artist” posts. Send the pics, including a closeup of any artist signatures or initials to “questions@scrimshaw.com”
Hi Debra, just getting the information ready to put online. Do you know where your husband purchased it? A city and state or country may help. I could be wrong, but the spelling makes me think Hawaii. Let me know and I’ll update the post.
Hi there, I have a piece of Scrimshaw, and it’s signed Masse
I have done research but can’t find any info on the artist.
Any ideas? It’s an Inuit women wearing her traditional Amauti (coat which you hold a baby in the oversized hood).
Thank you.
The name does sound familiar, can you send some pictures to “questions@scrimshaw.com” with any close-ups of the signature? It would help when I post it.
Hi there, I have a piece of Scrimshaw, and it’s signed Masse
I have done research but can’t find any info on the artist.
Any ideas? It’s an Inuit women wearing her traditional Amauti (coat which you hold a baby in the oversized hood).
I have a seal picture on what looks like some kind of bone too in the name of ANDHI it all looks etched it stands around 4 inches and it’s mounted on a piece of wood.
May be the artist Andhi Spath, will continue to research.
I have a scrimshaw beltbuckle. Oval set pewter. Its an old sailing ship. Signed with W G or W C preceded by what looks like a 51 or 57..Also it has what looks to the word “Pool” a distance to the left the abovementioned W G. Found a church thrift shop here in Massachusetts. I have pictures i can share
Hi heather, and thanks for writing! I’d love to see it, would you be able to send the pictures to “questions@scrimshaw.com”? It sounds interesting. –Andrew
Hi Andrew, I’m sort but I think I called you Allen in my previous attempt to send you a note, so sorry. I’m going to take my Grandmother’s 100+ year old piano apart. It’s not worth saving. But the ivory and ebony keys will be of value. Can you help me sell them? I don’t need much money; I’d rather trade them for a couple of pieces of artwork. What do you think? Sincerely, RobinLynn Chapman Alter.
Hi Robinlynn,and thanks for writing! It may be illegal to sell the ivory depending on the state you live in. You might inquire on the Facebook group “scrimshaw collectors guild” to see if anyone in your state would like the material, I hate to see it go to waste. The ebony would definitely sell either there or on eBay. Hope this helps,
Thanks. Why on earth would it be illegal to sell keys off of my Grandmother’s piano that is over a hundred years old? They are so old many are turning yellow. They are old piano keys for pete’s sake! Do they expect me to throw them in the garbage? If they are illegal in Mississippi then what? They go in the garbage can? They are without a doubt obviously over 100 years old? Am I supposed to throw them away because modern ivory is illegal, with good reason. But I can prove where these came from!! The idea that 125 year old piano keys may be illegal to sell is insane. I’ll just throw them away like I am going to do to the rest of the piano!
Hi Heather, and sorry for the late reply. Would love to get some pics and will gladly post them in our “Mystery Artist” section. Send them along with any other info you may have to “questions@scrimshaw.com”
I have been trying to find out who the artist is for a piece of Scrimshaw jewelry (oval pendant set in sterling) i was given. The signature on the piece is just the letter S located at the lower right-hand side. I would sure appreciate any help in finding who may have made it. Thank you for any help, and for providing such a wonderfully interesting and informative website.
Hi Kris, would you be able to send a couple of pictures? I’d be glad to feature it as a piece from a “Mystery Artist”. A good overall picture plus a close-up of the signature would be helpful. You can send them to questions@scrimshaw.com.
I’m looking for information by an artist named Claire Patrillo or Patrello (or similar)and signed her work CP. She may have lived or worked in Mystic, CT in 1989. My mother owned a small pendant of antique Walrus ivory purchased August of 89 in Mystic by this artist. Searches for additional information or works by her have not provided any results.
Thank you.
Hi Randal, I did a quick look but found no information on Claire. If you’d like, you can send pictures of the pendant and a close-up of the signature or mark to questions@scrimshaw.com and I’ll be happy to put it up on the site. We’ve had some luck finding the artists this way, or at least some information.
forgive my cutting in but I’m new. I am in need of a scrimshaw artist.i have some work I’d like done (mayhap continuing) and I cannot hook up w/an artist.mr perkins,I’m hoping you can help.i’m probably doing everything wrong but I cannot find a scrimshaw artist.anything you can do is appreciated. sincerely,shodai soke jim long, kanzendoryu
Hi Jim, and thanks for writing! Where about’s do you live? I may be able to help you find a Scrimshaw artist nearby, Though I know the Christmas season keeps most of them extremely busy. Let me know your location and I will see what I can find.
I have many pieces of scrimshaw with the initials AD.. some appear to be on whale tooth pieces or bone. Many pieces are jewelry. I believe the artist may be in New Jersey as this was my father’s collection and that is where he lived. Please let me know how to post on mystery artist. Thanks so much
Hi Joanne, and thanks for writing! Sorry about the late reply, been working on a couple of tutorials and other things. You can send your pics and questions to “questions@scrimshaw.com”. If you can include a closeup of the signatures or initials that would be great – be glad to put them up on the “Mystery Artist” posts!
Hi there! Would you mind if I share your blog with my
facebook group? There’s a lot of folks that I think would really enjoy your content.
Please let me know. Thank you
Certainly. Thanks so much!
Around 1978, while in Newport, RI, I purchased a piece of scrimshaw on what I believe is whale tooth approx. 4 1/2 X 2 inches. It is a traditional whaling scene with the sailing ship in the background and 6 whalers in a whale boat in the foreground, struggling with a whale in heavy seas. It is signed MAM. Can you tell me who the artist is or anything about the piece? Thank you
Hi Terry, thanks for writing! Would love to see a picture of it if you can send them, and I will be glad to put them up as a Mystery Artists post (which will go out in the newsletter as well). We’ve had some success finding artists, many of them still alive and write back to the owners of their art. If you could, get a close-up of the initials as well as a shot of the whole scrimshaw. The avid collectors and enthusiasts keep growing, and I’ll quickly spread the word for you.
Hello Terry D., Are you sure the initials are MAM and not MSM? My father used to live in Newport, RI, was in the navy and did scrimshaw while living there. Would love to see a picture of the piece.
Can anybody help please?
I have an oval scrimshaw 14mm x 10mm depicting a sailing ship in full sail with a pennant flying at the top of the foremost mast. It bears the initials JM, presumably the scrimshander signature I believe. The JM does not resemble the recorded JM as used by James MacDonald, senior and junior, of Plymouth, MA. The piece is set into a gold mount and is a pendant on a gold chain.
There are subtle strata marks which indicates it is made from animal material which looks more like tusk than bone or ivory, although I would not rule them out.
How do I find out who did it?
Allen Johnson (Guildford, UK)
Hi Allen, Can you send some pics of the piece? I’ll be glad to post them here and send them out to various scrimshaw enthusiasts to see if they ‘re familiar. –Andrew
I am searching for some biographical information on Scott Judge. Would you be able to provide me with a link or other information? Thank you!
I did some research on Scott Judge but was unable to find much about him other than some pics of his work and from pg 59 of “The Pirates and the Mouse(http://amzn.to/1UxCMjp)”: “…And Scott Judge, a superb satirist who suffered from “stage fright” when it came to actually publishing. (He returned to Bellingham and became a scrimshaw artist.) …”
So we know he was probably one of the more famous/prolific Bellingham Washington scrimshaw artists, but that’s all I’ve been able to fine. Hope this helps, and if you find any more information, please let our readers know – he is (was?) an excellent artist!
To whom it may concern I have a piece of scrimshaw that depicts the greatest looking pirate on scrimshaw I have seen I got it in Paris France I believe its initials are CC definitely a C at the end of the two letters I have done endless reaserch to no avail. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated Thanks!!
Hi Dave, thanks for writing! We’d love to see any pics you can share of the piece, it sounds very intriguing. Most scrimshaw we see is from Portugal, as they had a very active whaling industry. Using the macro setting on your camera or phone, if you could send us a couple of pics and a close-up of the initials, I’ll be glad to put it up as a “Mystery Artist” post. We’ve had some success in finding the artists, some still alive and practicing. Send the pics to “questions@scrimshaw.com” and we’ll get it up there.
Hi Andrew, thank you very much for getting back to me. Sorry it took so long for this message. Ok will do. I’m very grateful you responded. Pics on the way!
And if any one has input I would appreciate it. It’s my most prized possession. And any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Andrew, thank you very much for getting back to me. I have spent many many hours researching my one piece. I’ve loved scrimshaw of all kinds my whole life and to get a response from you was great. I have changed my Email to davidjohnweir68@yahoo.com. I am going to send several pics I hope you can help, once again Thanks!
Looking forward to seeing the pics, Dave!
I have been scrimming since 1960. And have taught many scrimshanders that have worked professionally. one of my students (now in his 50s ) check out his web site. Does great pirates , Charles Conners he sells world wide.
Good luck Bob Rayno. Robrayno@hotmail.com
I have been looking around at web sites and found a free service and set up a site to display my scrimshaw pieces … Thanks again for the write-up in the newsletter
I live in Nova Scotia (Canada) and am looking for a scrimshander who can do a traditional 19th century monogram on top of an old wooden pocket watch box. (There’s a small ivory plate in the middle of the top cover that was intended for just such a monogram.)
It’s a very small job, but I’d like it to be completely in keeping with the style of the pocket watch box, which was made in the mid-1800’s. I’d like to get it just right.
Can you recommend someone close by us? If there’s no one here in Eastern Canada, we do often travel down to Maine and Massachusetts.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Catherine and thanks for writing!
There are quite a number of scrimshaw artists in Maine and Massachusetts, but I can certainly ask the newsletter and post an inquiry on the site for you. Sounds like an interesting project!
Thanks so much, Andrew!
Greetings! I am looking to commission a scrimshaw artist to customize a viking drinking horn. I aim to allow a lot of artistic freedom with the design. My only request is that the design in some way pays homage to the Viking god Ullr and incorporates the family name Larson. Any interested parties?
I’ve put it up on the replies. If you don’t get any takers in a week, let me know and I’ll see about placing it within the blog posts. Best of luck, I know most scrimshanders are pretty busy this time of year!
Looking for a Scrimshaw artist that is experienced working on antique billiard balls (round surfaces). Have 3 projects (pre-ban 2 1/4″) & involve color. I live in Colorado. Thanks for the help.
Sorry to reply this way, but my computer is acting up. You may wish to contact Bob Hergert (http://www.scrimshander.com/) or Katherine Plumer (http://blog.katherineplumer.com/). Not sure if Sandra Brady has worked with billiard balls but she is also a very good scrimshander (http://www.scrimshaw-by-sandra-brady.com/) Tell them we sent you. If you come up short, email us at questions@scrimshaw.com and we’ll do some more research.
Sandra Brady has done many Ivory billiard balls. She did in fact do one for the cover of The Encyclopedia of Billiards, written by Victor Stein.
I found three of them on Amazon, was it this one?

Yes, that is the one Sandra Brady did. She also did the famous Hustler Que.
Hi FastFish,
Don’t know if you’ve found an artist for your project yet, but I just got in contact with a scrimshander with 50+ years of experience that is still actively scrimshawing and wanted to pass his email along to you. His name is Al Doucette, the former owner of the “Whale’s Tale” in Massachusetts. Writing out the email long-hand to minimize spam on his end, will do the same for you when I email him.
Tell him scrimshaw.com sent you so he knows why you’re contacting him.
Hope this helps,
Hi. I am looking for a scrimshaw artist to do a simple and inexpensive disc for the inside lid of a Nantucket basket purse. Oval with initials and flowers around border. Please help!! Contact me with your information…thanks!!
Hi Wendy, and thanks for asking! What state do you live in? We’ll be glad to find someone close for you.
Thanks for your reply! I live outside Boston in a place called Hopkinton, not too far from Cape Cod (where there ought to be plenty of artists). What I need is a small oval with a floral border and initials in the center. Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
Hi Wendy,
your best bet is http://scrimshanders.com/pages/contact.php?sid=2. they’re good people and create beautiful scrimshaw, plus they’re close by. We can do it if you come up short or they’re unable to reach your requirements, though we’re now working with “Galalith” – an ivory substitute from England. If this would work for you, let us know at “questions@scrimshaw.com” and we can create just about anything you’d like.
Thank you Andrew. I will keep digging.
Looking for a man and woman team who did Scrimshaw as far back as the 1970s for awhile in Akron/ Kenmore, Ohio but were from Mass. I think originally, and then moved back in the early 1980s.
Their names are Steven and Elizabeth Andras.
Hi Mark, and thanks for asking! We are unfamiliar with Steven and Elizabeth Andras, but there are many scrimshaw artists out there. Having the fact that they were active in the Akron/Kenmore, Ohio area in the 1970’s and their subsequent move to MA may help.
If you have or can get a good close-up of some of their work we’ll be glad to put them up on our “Mystery Artist” page with a special inquiry as to their whereabouts and if they are still practicing their art. Hope we can assist in finding them for you!
Steve Andras was one of my students in the70s, Although he doesn’t, do much anymore, you might convince him He owns a business that deals with flooded basements and sump pumps. his business
Is called Colonial Basements here in Westport ma.
I am born and raised in New Bedford, Ma. I am related to a man whom ran a gift shop in downtown N.B.on the waterfront.He sold scrimshaw and as I remember he did the work of the srimshaw. His last name is Washburn.I am now living in Mi.and I have lost track of him a long time ago.Is there any info you can get me on this man?His Mom and my dad was Sister and Brother. Thank you if you can or not.
Dear Diane,
Thanks for writing! The best place to start would be the New Bedford Whaling Museum (http://www.whalingmuseum.org/explore/exhibitions/sella-washburn). Don’t know if the link is to the same person as it is of photography, but since he did scrimshaw I would start there by either emailing (http://nbwm.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3k1/) or phoning them ((508) 997-0046)
Hope this helps,
Andrew Perkins
I have several pieces of scrimshaw work done by the artist, Andrew Alvarado, out of Hawaii, in the 1980’s. can anyone help me on their value? I hate to sell them but must.
Thank you,
Hi Holly, sorry you have to sell your memorable scrimshaw pieces. We’d be glad to help out, but valuing pieces is not our strong suit. What we can do if you’d like, would be to put up some pictures of your scrimshaw and a link to an email for those wanting to know more information. We’d recommend creating a special email on google’s gmail by first creating a regular account, then making a link to [youremailname]+scrimshaw@gmail.com. The “+scrimshaw” will allow you to put any inquiries directly into a folder just for those inquiries, filtering them out from any other emails you would get on that account. You can see how that works at http://www.lifehack.org/articles/technology/20-ways-to-use-gmail-filters.html. Kind of geeky but it works once you get the hang of it. Send us some pics and we’ll be glad to add a post with information about Andrew Alvarado as well. You can also inquire at scrimshawcollector.com
I know the guy. He is a very sweet man 888-234-1350 That should be correct current number. If not call me 503-444-1124 donnawoodward@yahoo.com
Hey guys!
your work is absolutely stunning! I make desperate efforts to find an excellent scrimshaw artist in Europe (e.g. Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, or somwhere else in western-, northern-, central-europe). I would need a custom scrimshaw compass dial on mammoth ivory, about 2,4 inch dimeter, with convex surface, about 0,2 inch high at the zenith.
I’m looking forward to your kind reccommendations and contacts for europe based scrimhanders, you would suggest.
Thank you so much, you’ll do me a big favor!
Georg E.S.
There is a Swedish scrimshander by the name of Viveca Sahlin. YOu might contact her. Her website is http://www.scrimart.se/ and her husband is a knifemaker.
I love Viveca’s work – she’s an amazing artist. I hope they translate her book some day. It’s definitely a site that inspires!
I have a piece of scrimshaw created by a ‘Doc’ Thatcher. The piece is of the Aruban Tower of light
done on a blank poker chip made in the mid 1800’s. The material is ivory and was decorated for the
saloons in the Great American West. The text on the back says it was prepared by the American Scrimshander ‘Doc’ Thatcher.
Dear Dotty,
Thanks for writing! Poker chips are a popular medium to scrimshaw on, though we don’t see many old ones. Would you be able to send a couple of hi- resolution pics? We could put them up as the next Mystery Artist to see if anyone knows any information on Doc Thatcher. You can send the pictures to questions[at]scrimshaw.com and we’ll do our best to spread the word!
Dr Glen Thatcher passed away in 2002. From South Carolina. I still have some of his work in my gallery on Nantucket.
Thanks for writing in Michael. Would love to see some of his other work if you have a chance to send some pics. Did Dr. Thatcher mostly work on poker chips or did he create other works such as basket toppers and jewelry as well?
thank you I will attempt to post pic. the work on these grips was commissioned around 1981 by my father who has since passed.
I have a set of ivory grips scrimshaw work signed R. Heinrich looking for any info on this artist
Thanks for writing, Patrick. A preliminary search found a knife by the artist R. Heinrich on worthpoint (http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/blackton-fixed-blade-knife-rams-head-131813968), as well as another mention on knifeforums.com (http://www.knifeforums.com/forums/showtopic.php?tid/528063/post/531452/). Would you be able to send us a picture of the grips? We’ll be glad to put it up on the site to see if anyone is familiar with the artist – sometimes the artist themself comes forward, too!
I am looking for a scrimshaw artist (I don’t remember his name) who is related to the Mutiny on the Bounty remnants. He used to show his work in a shop in LaConnor, WA. He did beautiful work.
Not familiar with the name, if you’d like we could put them on the mystery artist page. Do you have any pics we can’t up? This often helps. Happy New Year in advance.
I have a photo of my scrimshaw. But how do I put paste it in? Karen
Hi Karen, sorry for the late reply. You can send the pictures to aperkins@scrimshaw.com and we’ll be glad to put them up for you.
Thanks. I will do that.
Looking for artist in south Florida who can do scrimshaw (west palm to Miami geography
Thank you much for approving the images to put on your site. I have had these items for many years now and the link I have in my web part is to show the dovo razor with a signature LB. Not the best work ive seen but really nice. Do you have info on this initials? These items are well over 30 years old. I remember them when I was a small boy..im 47 now I also have a few other…. will try to search for them before I ask here http://imageshack.com/i/5t2xs9j
So far no information on the initials, but that takes time. We’ve had people reply in a few days and sometimes it has taken up to a year, but that one was interesting – it was the artist himself who wanted to remain anonymous. Other information trickles in as with an artist from Florida who has since passed. When I get the information, I back-track the comments and alert the original poster.
There is a lot of interest in general on straight razors from both makers and collectors on the internet too. If you have a picture of the straight razor we’ll be glad to add that as well. I’m going to link the “Mystery Artist” post to some other sites that follow our updates and with the holiday there’s a good chance of getting at least some traffic and eyeballs on your pics which always helps in tracking down the original artist. We’ll keep our fingers crossed here for you!
http://imageshack.com/i/mrq732j is a link to a full image of the tooth..sorry for the dbl post
My father passed many years ago and left a few pieces of scrimshaw for me. .. he was an avid train buff and had a 6.25″ sperm whale tooth done depicting the Lahaina Kaanapali sugar cane train… the Web attachment is to an image of the scrimshander initials And I was wondering if anyone recognizes it? The piece is beautifully done with mulitple colors and looks like the poster he has of the same train.
Any help is apprecisted.
This work was done about 1970s my father lived in San Francisco at the time if that helps. A dovo ivoryhandled straight razor was also completed by the same artist
Hi, and thanks for writing! Don’t worry about the double post, I do that occasionally myself! Beautiful work – I really like the perspective of the train and the tracks (will also approve the link to the imageshack). I’ll put the image up on our “Mystery Artist” page and feature it on the main page. Hope the artist is still around and active – they did a great job!
We recently purchased a beautiful piece of scrimshaw which we think is on a fossilized Mammoth bone and it is signed R W Shafer 92 and we have search several websites trying to find out about the artist and wondered if you have any information? Look forward to your response.
Hello Jeanine, thanks for inquiring. So far I’ve come up with nothing under the name Shafer + scrimshaw. Would you be able to send a high resolution image or two to us or point us to a couple of the same on Flickr.com? We’ll be glad to post the picture and any further information on our “Mystery Artist” section of the site so other artists and collectors can help as well.
I am looking for a scrimshaw artist to work on an antique celluloid ring box (originally manufactured to mimic ivory). We would like to somewhat copy the design on heirloom one that is engraved with the name of our ancestor. We were able to find an identical box that currently has a blank top, and our son would like it engraved with his girlfriend’s name (he plans to propose with the ring that we have in the heirloom box). We can provide a photo of the original box for reference. A referral or response here would be very appreciated!
Wonderful idea! If you can find an artist close by on our “Artists” page and inquire, I am sure they would be happy to help you realize your idea on the box. Belle Ochs is in Florida, Jason Webb is in the mid-west, Katherine Plumer is on the west coast just to name a few. Scot Kimel is in South Carolina, the list goes on. You can get to the artists page by going to https://www.scrimshaw.com/scrimshaw-artists/. Being the Holiday season it may be difficult for the artists to fit you in their schedule, but you never know. If you cannot find an artist, please email me at aperkins@scrimshaw.com and I’ll see if I can help you further.
i was given a knife with a ship i’m pretty sure it’s fossil walrus tusk and it has the star of india with joe luiz down at the bottom the I in luiz is dotted with a heart i cant seem to find any info on the knife or artist except that he died 10 years ago and a picture of four knives together with the same signature with the caption ultra rare joe luiz knives. so i know he did scrimshaw and his signature matches can anyone tell me anything about this guy?
I have a piece of scrimshaw art, it appears to be vintage ivory, artist is M. or N. Clark. Maritime picture of ship on waves, no identification on the ship. Has anyone seen any work from this artist?
Hi Kristin, and thanks for writing! I am not familiar with an artist M. or N. Clark, but that doesn’t mean other people may not know them. Would you be able to send a picture or two of the scrimshaw? If you can set your digital camera to “Macro” it will get a good close-up shot. A close-up of the signature of the artist would be helpful as well. Also, if you know what city and state it was originally purchased in that may also help us track down the artist. We’ll be happy to put it up on our “Mystery Artists” page. We’ve had some luck with this – sometimes the artists themselves have responded, which is always a treat. You can send the pictures to “aperkins[at]scrimshaw.com, replacing the [at] with the @ sign as is the usual case with emails. (I do this to minimize the spam from ‘bots reading the site and automatically sending me all sorts of get rich and pharma spam).
Looking forward to your response,
Andrew Perkins,
Hi, do you have a e-mail address? i am a hobby scrimmer living in Australia and would like to send some picks and info. looking foward to your reply, Regards Rod
Hi and thanks for writing! Yes, you can email us at aperkins@scrimshaw.com. Would love to post some pics and a small bio for you. Have been away for a bit but since the colder weather is coming I am getting ready to scrim once again. If you have a website or are selling your work, let us know and we’ll be glad to include a link or two as well.
I recently purchased an lot at an auction and discovered, what appears to be, a piece of scrimshaw. I have no idea what type it is or how old. It appears to be wood on the outside and a hard stone like substance. Sorry for my ignorance, but I am clueless. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ralf, you may either have a piece of mammoth ivory or possibly a piece of tagua nut by the description. Can you send a picture? We’d love to help you try to identify it. Use the “Macro” setting on your digital camera or you can scan it on a scanner at the highest resolution and we’ll post it if you’d like.
I have a 5″ tooth with scrimshaw picture of a 4 master sailing vessel , dated 1972, and signed by D. Anderson. I cannot find any information on the artist. He could be from Alaska or Canada. Can anyone give me any information or point me in the right direction. I would like to know if this piece is valuable. Thank you
Hi Lynn,
thanks for writing. A quick search on our end did not find anything either, but don’t let that get you disappointed. We can put the D. Anderson scrimshaw query up on our “Mystery Artist” site and find out if any other collectors or friends of D. Anderson – possibly D. Anderson him/herself may respond. The best responses come from clear photos and as much information as you can give. We usually put the city/state/province the piece was purchased, the date acquired (having the date on the piece as you have stated is also a big help). We will post the picture or pictures on the site and see who responds. Having a close-up of the signature also helps. Set your digital camera on “Macro” so you can take good close-ups, and email them to us.
I have a bracelet from Big Sur California with a ship scrimshaw on it. It has the initaila JM. Any ideas?
Hi Doniece, and thanks for writing! Can you send a picture of the piece in question? We’d love to see it and we’ll be glad to put it up on our “Mystery Artist” page to see if anyone else knows.
My dads wife lived in Alaska and collected scrimshaw and other Alaskan art. She has a set of 29 inch walrus tusk scrimshaw and is thinking of selling them.They are by an artist named Joe Blatchford. I was wondering where to go to find out the value of these and where best to try selling them?
Thanks for writing! The tusks sound wonderful. I am not aware of Joe Blatchford, but a quick google brought up http://www.tellmewhereonearth.com/Web%20Pages/Alaska/alaska.htm and https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CD8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.longagoandfaraway.com%2FJoeBlatchfordCribbageBoardMBB2L113.htm&ei=7O9hUenWFIvk4APTqoA4&usg=AFQjCNE-O9YedsqC7OlvrOU4rqcwEEHtVA&sig2=AMiZo6sbuj8OGNTtsGrnwQ&bvm=bv.44770516,d.dmg – he was a known artist, and sadly it seems he passed away in 2009 (http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/adn/obituary-preview.aspx?n=joseph-blatchford&pid=123806241&referrer=1898). As to valuation of the items, I would have to point you to scrimshawcollectors.com – Douglass would give you his honest opinion and may be able to connect you with a collector who would be interested.
Hope this helps,
Andrew Perkins
Hi Don
did you ever get the value of your collection? just wondering as My parents have one they would like to sell and wonder what the value is.
Hello, I’m cleaning up my mom’s old art supplies from the 70s and found some scrimshaw jewelry silver settings for small pins, matching bone (mostly oval for pendants)and tools and wondered if anyone would like to have them. I hate to throw out these items. Im happy to ship if you can send me an address.
Thanks for writing! Hate to throw stuff away myself, esp. if someone else can use it. If you can give us a city/state and an email address, we’ll be glad to post it on the site. Once they’re gone, let us know and we’ll take it down.
I would be very interested in the pieces you have if they are still available. I am a home-spun artist called the Hatley Pedlar living in Hatley WI. I am originally from MA and moved here 6 years ago….
Please feel free to e-mail at address above…
Thank you, Kathleen
Thank you for the invitation Kathleen! Is this open to any scrimshaw artist? Also, should the artists contact you regarding outright purchase or commission arrangements?
Thanks in advance,
Andrew Perkins,
Around 1989 I bought a new custom made dagger with a dragon scrimshawed on it. I have been trying to find out who the artist was that made it. The “signature” looks like a P with an elongated bottom line, like P and L put together. I would appreciate any help you can give on this. I’m not sure if it was a local artist here around Connecticut, but I bought it in a local store here in CT. I can send pictures if you want them.
Thanks in advance, Donna
Hi Donna, and thanks for writing! We’re not familiar with the description of the signature, but we’ll be glad to put it up on our “Mystery Artists” page to see if anyone knows about it. If you can, take the photo with the camera set at “macro” so we can get a good picture of the detail. If we need to crop it, we can do that here. Would love to see it, too! Is there a brand on the dagger like “spyderco” or is it a completely custom piece? Any information will be appreciated, and we’ll get it up on line as soon as we can!
Can you please tell me if it is illegal to purchase original scrimshaw on whale teeth in the state of Oregon from Washington state? i would also like any information you can provide about a schrimshander named Juvenal Castro. Thanks very much for your help.
Laws about ivory vary from state to state, California recently passing the most restrictive, banning the sale of any type of ivory. The best place to find this information is at Fish and Wildlife organizations for the respective states. In New England, there are some states where it is illegal to transport ivory out of the state. The CITES treaty is another place to look.
I have a small piece signed by Juvenal Castro. He signed and printed his name. If you’re interested email and I’ll send a pic.
Hello Ro,
We’ve seen the name “Juvenal Castro” on a couple of auction sites and the scrimshaw is classic and beautiful. It appears he is a 20th century artist, but we have little information other than this. We’d love to see the pictures and can put them up under our “Mystery Artist” page to see if anyone can give us more information on the artist.
Hello RJ, Ro Gal and Andrew,
In 1976 I visited the village of Praia de Vittorio on the island of Terceira, Azores. In one of the village shops were several pieces made by Juvenal Castro. The shop owner told me he was a local artist from that area, although I took that to mean the Azores and not the island of Terceira itself. The shop sold all manner of hand made crafts from the Azores so I think this could be a credible lead to the origin of Juvenal Castro artwork.
Thank you for the information, Ron, It’s really appreciated. The information will go up online and I’ll send the info to RJ as well, They’ll be pleased!
Have just acquired a walrus tooth scrimshaw piece,4 tiered sailing ship on one side, a polar bear on the other. Initials are P M with the left leg of the M being the descending line of the P. The year 82 next to the initials. Anybody know anything about the artist, value etc.
We’d love to see it. Can you send some pictures of the piece? We’ll be glad to put it up on our ever-growing “Mystery Artists” page. Be sure to set your camera to “Macro” when you take close-ups to get clear images. Looking forward to seeing it!
I have a bolo tie that has a scrimshaw carved Eagle with mountains in the background, it is signed MN would anyone happen to know who this artist is or how I can find out who he is?
Thanks so much.
Wanted to add, took another look at the mark and could be MW.
Thanks, Heidi
Hello Heidi, thanks for writing. Would you be able to send a picture or a scan? We’d love to see it. Also, if you can let us know in general where you obtained it? This may help us pinpoint the artist. Using a digital camera, be sure to set it to “macro” so the picture is nice and sharp. We will be able to do any cropping before we add it to the “Mystery Artists” page.
We recently found Nantucket basket signed by Glenda 1977. Do you know this artist?
Thanks for writing, Mike. We are not aware of the artist Glenda, but since it is such a unique name, if they had created other pieces we will probably get some responses from other collectors, and hopefully from the artist too. Would you be able to send some pictures of the basket, the scrimshaw and the signature? We’ll be happy to list them on our Mystery Artists page. Be sure your digital camera is set to Macro when you take close-up shots – they come out a lot clearer.
Hello. In the 1970’s I had a scrimshaw ring made in Naples FL with a picture of a kangaroo on it. I am wondering if you know where I could get it re-inked? Thanks for any info. I live in Tennessee now..Lucy Shoup
Hello, we have a 24″ Walrus Tusk Cribbage/Checker board, dated Nome, 1924, signed by a H.L Coney. Regarding the 24″, the shape of this piece is reminescent of a boomerang in that it’s actually two tusks connected end to end, the carvings depict seals.In addition there are ivory pins, that evidently hold the two pieces together. ( Almost tempted to pull them – the pins – as I’m curious as to whether maybe upon seperating them maybe there’s more to the piece than is visible,..these pieces fit so tightly together that it’s barely possible to see the point of connection. ) In the event that you’re familiar with either the above mentioned scrimshaw, or the name of the artist would appreciatte any input. Will attempt to post a pic a.s.a p. Oh, and any idea on a ball-park figure pertaining to it’s value? Thanks in advance,….
Thanks for writing! Have not found any scrimshaw artists with the last name Coney, but that shouldn’t stop you. Definitely send some pictures – set the camera to “macro” so you can get a clear closeup, and if you can, send at least two pictures – one of the piece and one of the signature. A closeup of some of the artwork would also be helpful. We’ll be happy to put the pictures and any information we get onto our “Mystery Artists” page. No idea as to the value, and I would recommend NOT pulling it apart. Shake it gently to see if there are any pieces rattling around inside (doubtful), but disassembling it would probably lessen it’s value.
I have a legal elephant tusk table with three tusks that are about 2′ long and 2-2.5 inches in diameter. If anyone is interested, I can send photo’s.
Hi Bob, thanks for writing. I’m not sure who would be interested in the table as a table, though there are collectors out there. You may wish to contact museums in your area as well. Don’t know where you are located, but just an FYI all ivory is now illegal to buy and sell in the state of California.
I have 5 pieces of scrimshaw set in sterling silver, 3 pendants and 2 rings. All five are signed with a tiny u at the bottom.
I would like to know who the artist was. I was given these as a gift in the 60’s in Portland OR.
Linda Bray
Dear Linda,
Happy Holidays, and thanks for writing! We are not familiar with the artist who signs their work with the letter “U”, but we’d be glad to help. If you have a digital camera, set it to “macro” and take some clear pictures of the scrimshaw, then send them to “aperkins@scrimshaw.com” – we’ll be glad to put them up on the “Mystery Artists” page and see if anyone knows the artist. Sometimes the artist has responded and given us more information on the pieces we’ve had there, other times it’s someone who either knows or knew them.
I want someone to put Scrimshaw on a ring that I already have I live in Scottsdale Arizona can you recommend anybody
Hi, and thanks for writing! What type of scrimshaw would you like on the ring? There are quite a number of artists on our artists page that can do this type of work. Here are a couple of important questions: Were you looking for a ship motif, animal, initials, etc.? and did you want it in black or in color? Also, what is the material? If it’s ivory, it can’t go to California due to recent laws regarding ivory. If you are looking for someone in the state, I can put an inquiry on our homepage for artists in the Arizona area. Let us know what you need, and we’ll be glad to help how ever we can.
I have an oval belt buckle with colorized scrimshaw of the US Coast Guard Cutter Eagle. It is a broadside view of the Eagle under full sail. The artist: Don P. Waring. It was sculptured about 1987. Have your heard of his work in the Mystic seaport area of Connecticut? I would like to display this on your website for all to see.
Dear Gene, we’d love to see it – if you can set your digital camera to it’s “macro” setting and get a good shot or two of it, we’ll be glad to put it on line. We will see if we can find more information about the artist as well. Thanks for writing!
Donald P. Waring was from Somerset, Ma.
He did a lot of work for Moby Dick, a small gift shop in New Bedford, Ma.
Also had many private commissions from various collectors. He made quite a few belt buckles in the mid 80’s…could be your guy 🙂
Thanks for the information Donald!
Donald Waring was my grandfather and the most talented artist I’ve ever seen. Some of his work can be found at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in New Bedford, MA. Definitely worth checking it out if you are an avid scrimshaw fan
Thanks Jennifer! The New Bedford Whaling Museum is a great place to see and learn about scrimshaw as well as the history of the whaling era. Thanks for reminding us of this wonderful place and contacting us!
I have two pieces by Donald Waring: A whale tooth depicting the double topsail bark Charles. W. Morgan (1975) and a belt buckle depicting a three mast bark of unknown name (1976). Don was an outstanding scrimshander.
Scrimshaw wanted: I am hoping to find a some pheasant / bird hunting scrimshaw (bolo, belt buckle, etc..) for a christmas present. so far, i am finding only imitation 20.00 items. material should be natural, can be of any sort. Can anyone help?
Dear Pamela,
Happy Holidays from Scrimshaw.com!
I’ve got a nice looking piece that my father had…it’s a picture of 2 hunters on horseback…with 2 english pointers (dogs) flushing a covey of quail…
Artists name is Skip Powell 87′
Looking for a scrimshaw artist named VOLOVICK.
I have a cribbage board. With scrimshaw of walrus. It is signed by E. Okleasik with white water Alaska in signature. Is there any way to determine the authenticity of this piece ? My brother also bought several pieces of scrimshaw which I have determined to be fakes. Thank you pat
Hi, and thanks for writing! Can you send a picture of the cribbage board to us? We can put it on our “Mystery Artists” page in hopes someone out there has some information on it. Images definitely help! Use the “Macro” setting on your digital camera to get a clear picture of the board, and possibly a close-up of the signature as well? Thanks!
Hi. I have recently acquired a HUGE lot of supplies for scrimshaw. I am a metalsmith and wire bender so I am not familiar with the quality of the items I have. I will be looking for a buyer when I know more on these items so I am trying to research. In the box, there was a card that reads Scrimshaw by Rudy & Jean, Hughes creations. Some of these pieces have beautiful scrimshaw on them and others are blanks… hundreds of blanks. There are many pieces labeled walrus and are prices. Do you have any information on these artists or can you tell me if these initials for what I am thinking are supply companies mean anything? ALDS; HGS; LYS? Oh, and the card indicates that Rudy & Jean were from Mt Pleasant SC. Thank you for any information you may have.
I’m not familiar with Rudy and Jean, but we can look into it. Unfamiliar with the ALDS; HGS; LYS. Can you send pics of some of the work? It would be a help – we could put some up on the “Mystery Artists” page.
Thank you for the response. I actually found an article in the Gwinnett Daily from GA, 1979 about Rudy & Jean Hughes. They were scrimpshanders who lived in the Carolinas. They did this for a living. I found that Mrs. Jean Hughes died in 2004 from Alzheimers. One of the pieces I have is sign JH ’60. I am in awe of these beautiful works of art. Unbelievable quality and I am researching this artform and will hopefully secure a buyer for the items I have soon. Thanks again for you reply.
Dear Missy,
Thanks for the information! Sorry to hear she’s no longer with us.
I just got my hands on a walrus tusk that has the image of a bear on one side and a bobcat on the other. Both of the images have the initials E.P on them, and I was wondering if anyone might have an idea of who the artist may be. I can post a picture of it tomorrow.
re: walrus toothe scrimshaw: Would love to see it – if you can send a clear picture we’ll be glad to post it on the “Mystery Artists” page. Thanks for writing!
I currently have a piece of scrimshaw that was passed on to me by my dad.The picture shows a large scooner on the sea with a large whale in the foreground.The name of the artist is signed Mateus.Hope you can help me with any information on this piece.Thanking you in advance.
Dear Shaun,
Would you be able to provide a clear digital picture of the scrimshaw? We would love to see it, and in some cases the artists themselves come forward when there are pics online. Did a preliminary search and found http://www.artfact.com/auction-lot/20th-century-probably-american-whale-tooth-scrims-1-c-f879bb8c44 – also with the signature Mateus. Sao Mateus is on the southern tip of the Azores, an old whaling town itself. Possibly where the name came from? Hard to say – but a picture is worth a thousand conjectures. We could also feature it in our “Mystery Artist” section.
Thank you for your help with my inquiry.I do have a picture of the item but am not sure how to send you a copy.
Looking for a scrimshaw artist named Tom Mullen.
So far we haven’t been able to find anything on a scrimshaw artist named Tom Mullen. Do you have a piece done by him that you can send us? We’ll be glad to put it online and see if anyone recognizes the artwork.
Re:requestt about Tom Mullen/artist
Tom Mullen was an artist who sold his work thru a gift shop/
gallery located in the Tin City Shops in Naples,Fla.in the
mid-1980’s. We bought 7 or 8 of his pieces as we thought
they were good quality for the price,plus he had a hoard of
pre ban teeth. We got to know the Tin City shop owner fairly
well,and he shared that Mullen had a drinking problem,lived
in the Naples area in a converted garage,and only worked when he needed money. The shop owner died some years ago and his widow ran the store for a few years offering what
she had in stock,but related that her husband was the one who dealt with Mullen as he was often on a bender. We never
met or saw him,but we own a lightship basket that has a
reproduction piece done by him as the lid ornament. Hope it
helps BNic
We were good friends with Tom Mullens during the 1980’s and l990’s; but lost track of him after that. He was a VERY talented scrimshaw artist as well as a painter; but very private and secluded.
Yes, his art studio was a large converted garage located on Elsa Street in Naples. That is the last known address that I have for him.
He sold many items at Tin City in Fern’s shop.
If anyone ever finds more information on him, would you please contact us? Thank you so much.
NOTE: Tom Mullen was a native to New Bedford, Mass.
As a very young child he visited the Scrimshaw Museum there and immediately the person in charge recognized his artistic ability and Mr Mullen began “scratching” on ivory.
He continued to produce scrimshaw art the rest of his life.
He lived his adult life in Naples, Florida and would most likely be in his late 60’s.
Hope you can get back in contact with him!
Just come across this site after I found a beautiful lock knife with a scrimshaw handle that I purchased in a shop called Things from the Sea, Tin City Florida, probably in the early 90s. It’s a beutiful piece and has never been used. Lovely to read a bit about the history of the of it’s maker, Tom Mullen. Anyone know if he is still alive?
Love the site! Beautiful pieces! I’m looking for an artist in the Boise Idaho area who will do work to order. I need a specific design depicting a flop-eared bunny with a brief inscription on the back for a necklace.
I’ve gone ahead and approved the comment to help you find a local artist. Don’t know anyone in Boise, but hope they find this link. I’ve also put the question up on the social sites I frequent and talk about scrimshaw, so I hope we find someone for you!
Try Chris Lehwalder
He is in Chewelah, WA. He does excellent work
Dear Ginger,
Sarah Hudnall is on the Idaho area (ivory55[at]live.com) and is a seasoned scrimshaw artist who replied to our site late July. Hope you two can connect and a project blossoms for the both of you!
Looking for artist who did ship named Susan &eagle on shield with epluribus unum.
Frederick Myrick, the prolific, almost legendary scrimshander who served aboard the vessel Susan from 1826 to 1829. (see http://maineantiquedigest.com/articles_archive/articles/susa1098.htm)
That being said, there are a lot of replicas out and about. Bringing the tooth to the New Bedford Whaling Museum in MA., or at least a nautical museum to have it looked over by an expert.
If it’s a replica, they are going for $21.95 on ebay (click here
for the link I found)
Hope this helps and that yours is an original!