Kraken Blog – Getting Ship Shape

Kraken Blog – Getting Ship Shape

Still have to upload the rest of the pics again, but an hour got me further along.  The arms at the stern of the ship will be a challenge when I add detail to them since they are a bit “woggy” though I think that can be rectified.  Sometimes you seem to make great progress in an hour, other times it seems you’ve done so little.  Either way it feels good to get completely away from computers and everything else and focus on something that is so immediate.  Anyone who plays piano feels the difference if they’ve been on a digital piano then feels the direct response playing a piano with a well regulated action.  More pics can be seen at

Kraken scrimshaw on mammoth ivory with detail callout to the upper left

The Art of Scrimshaw – DVDs

The Art of Scrimshaw – DVDs

The Art of Scrimshaw (2 DVDs)

Linda Karst Stone is one of the leading scrimshaw artists in the field today and has been featured in numerous publications. Her abilities have earned her a successful career in the art of scrimshaw. On this two DVD set, Linda invites you into her studio as she transforms a simple piece of ivory into artwork with photographs, a tool, and color. DVD one focuses on transferring an image from a photograph to a piece of ivory using a graph and pencil then etching the complete image in place. cover - art-of-scrimshaw-linda-karst-stoneThe second disc brings to life a black and white image using pigments and various degrees of etching. Linda patiently teaches you her techniques, tools, tips, scale, guides, methods, shadows, depth, highlights and inks in order bring character and dimension to your scrimshaw art, and all without power tools!

Available at Amazon

Scrimshaw in a Bottle – How’d He Do That?

Charles Long bottled his own scrimshaw – literally!  This is how it was done:

The tell-tale signs of how Charles Long bottled his scrimshaw (hemistat marks left on the "faux bone" after heating it up and bending it into the bottle)

Charles writes:

 Faux Bone becomes flexible for about 25 seconds when heated.  That’s howlong you have to roll it up, stuff it, and try to flatten it out inside the bottle.

You can see the tread marks of my big hemostat on the right side below. Have learned hot not to do that anymore. “
Thanks for sharing your art and your secret with us Charles!  That was a great puzzler!

Scrimshaw Techniques by Jim Stevens

Scrimshaw Techniques by Jim Stevens

Scrimshaw Techniques: With Gallery of Contemporary Artists


Jim Steven’s guide is a dazzling showcase of this uniquely American art form. The pages are filled with tips, techniques, and insights that both educate and demonstrate the steps to creating authentic and beautiful scrimshaw. An examination of ivory includes a wide range of alternative natural and man-made ivory substitutes, including bone, horn, and nuts. Over 200 color photos, this step-by-step guide addresses scrimshaw tools, patterns, inking, and inlays.

scrimshaw-techniques-jim-stevensJim’s second book “Advanced Scrimshaw Techniques” delves advanced-scrimshaw-techniques-jim-stevensdeeper into scrimshaw techniques including color scrimshaw, using power tools, ivory carving with hand and power tools, and practices in the care, conservation, repair, and restoration of ivory scrimshaw objects.

Scrimshaw Kit – Classic Black and White

Scrimshaw Kit – Classic Black and White

Scrimshaw Kit ContentsNOTE: We’re currently sold out of our scrimshaw kits, but we’re heading out to get more materials, and should be actively selling kits again by the third week in August, 2012.  If you can’t wait ’til then, please visit our friends on the west coast Boone Trading Co. ( for similar kits.  Tell them sent you – they are very nice people and a pleasure to work with. 

Create a piece of history with scrimshaw!  Scrimshaw is known as the “true American artform”.  Using basic tools and whale teeth or bone, sailors would wile away their idle time creating beautiful works of art, from their own observations, imagination or from artwork of the day.  Today, with finer points and better polishing techniques, the level of detail has become stunning.  Can’t draw?  No problem! Our kit comes with complete instructions so you can transfer nearly any image onto the supplied mammoth ivory or other materials to create your own work of art to wear, give as a gift or sell!

Our scrimshaw kits have everything you need to get started in this fascinating art.

  •  A beginner’s scrimshaw tool
  • “Scrap” ivory (like the one the kraken is being done on),
  • Ink
  • White Acrylic sheet for practice and reference
  • Free form mammoth ivory pre-drilled with necklace
  • Ink
  • toothpicks for precise placement of ink
  • Excerpt from “Scrimshaw? But I Can’t Draw!” – Chapter 5
  • “The Brum Scrimshaw Technique (and other techniques)”
  • source for more mammoth ivory and other items to scrimshaw

You can easily learn how to scrimshaw with this complete kit.  Not intended for children under 12.

We offer a thirty day money back guarantee on our products – even if you’ve tried it and decided you don’t have the patience for it. “Why would you want a used product back?” you may ask. The answer is simple: we can sand down and polish most of the  ivory and re-use it elsewhere (for inlay, jewelry, etc.). If you decide you wish to return the product within thirty days, here’s what you need to do:
simply email and request an RMA# (Return Material Authorization Number). Once you have this, return EVERYTHING to us (yes, even the pieces you’ve scrimmed), and we will refund your money, less shipping and handling. US only. Sorry, no export.