Mystery Artist 39 – USS Bear with the initials J.E. or S.E.

Purchased on the west coast of Canada, the owner of this scrimshaw of the USS Bear (see and is searching for more information on the artist and the piece itself. 

The owner writes: “… I have no idea if this is an antique or modern creation, the material (though I’ve been told it’s fossilized walrus ivory), or if it was genuinely a net sinker before being scrimshawed. Lastly, I am curious about value. It does appear to be signed “J.E.” or “S.E.” ”

Any information regarding the artist and or it’s age would be greatly appreciated – feel free to comment in the comments section below.  Clicking on any of the images will bring them up to full size.

Left side of USS Bear scrimshaw - Mystery artist 39Top view of "USS Bear" scrimshaw showing loops where it was used to attach to netBack view of the USS Bear scrimshaw - Mystery Artist 39