Jason Webb is a new dad but still finds time to scrimshaw beautiful works of art. His second mammoth ivory ship has Jason’s signature style. At 4″x 2-1/2″ it’s astounding how much detail is packed into the piece without making it too “busy”. Jason has a keen eye for balance as well.
The piece is signed and dated by Jason, and comes with it’s own stand (which I believe may be mahogany, but you’ll need to verify that with him). Inquiries can be made to Jason by emailing JasonWGuitar+Mammoth2@gmail.com with “Mammoth 2” in the subject line. Congratulations on your fatherhood Jason, and to finding the small pockets of time to recharge with a creative outlet like scrimshaw and sharing it with everyone.
Update: 1/31/2015 Jason’s second sailing ship on Mammoth ivory has sold. Have any designs you’d like Jason to create, or have a special scrimshaw project in mind? You can contact Jason at jasonwguitar@gmail.com.